On October 15 -17, 2018 IPChain Association acted as official blockchain partner of the Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development “Open Innovations. Sources of Digital Breakthrough”. In the exhibition space of IPChain infrastructure the IPQuorum.Innovation communications platform was opened. For three days the events devoted to the most topical issues of development of the intellectual property sector for the benefit of digital economy as well as creation of new business models, infrastructural solutions, digital and platform projects aimed at improved capitalization of high-tech and creative initiatives, improved investment attractiveness and export potential of the intellectual activity results were held at the platform. The key event was the discussion panel “From the World of Ideas to the World of Money and Vice Versa”. The experts discussed the approaches to formation in Russia of the new financial and investment environment to support and turn the knowledge-intensive and creative projects into the operating and high-yield business. The results of IPQuorum.Innovation were summarized in TASS press centre in the course of the joint event with the global blockchain consortium for promotion of cross-industrial blockchain technologies Hyperledger – Meetup Hyperledger: Russian Experience of Blockchain Implementation”.